
and stacked views for academic people

Faculty, staff and students can be displayed in or stacked view. The archive view can be modified to support single, two column or three column layouts. Although most academic information is supported, you can add custom fields in profiles and display them in the frontend and/or search form offering interesting possibilities.

To display 3 column archive view, add the following code - works in most cases - in your theme's style.css and adjust(height:400px) based on your data

.emd_person.type-emd_person div.emd-person .panel-body{height:400px;}
div.emd-container .well-left,div.emd-container .well-left+div{width:100%}
div.emd-container .segment-block {text-align: center;}

To display 2 column archive view, add the following code in your theme's style.css and adjust(height:230px) based on your data

.emd_person.type-emd_person div.emd-person .panel-body{height:230px;}

Customization through plugin settings

Campus Directory Higher Education edition is designed to minimize theme related conflicts and offers ability to set page template for profile, archive and taxonomy views without modifying your theme’s template files through the plugin settings page. Profile, archive or taxonomy pages can be sidebar on left, right and full-width.

In addition, any field, taxonomy or relationship(support staff-supported faculty, advisor-advisee) can be enabled, disabled (removed from backend and frontend) or hidden from the frontend only from the plugin settings. Search form fields can be enabled or disabled selectively.

The plugin comes with EMD Widget area which can be used to put and display sidebar widgets on plugin’s profile, archive and taxonomy pages. The location of the widget area can be adjusted in the plugin settings.

Security and Spam Protection

Extensive security features and spam protection are provided out-of-the-box. Emails fields are protected against harvesting. Search form is protected against many types of attacks. If your institution requires the search form access to logged in users only, the frontend login and/or registration forms can be enabled from plugin settings form tab asking users to login/register.

Easy to use

You can use the setup assistant to create search form and people pages automatically. To recreate missing pages, you can use the button on plugin settings tools tab.


The following is not an exhaustive list:

  1. * Display faculty in a responsive . Change faculty keyword to staff, graduate-student, undergraduate-student display others

    [people_grid filter="attr::emd_person_type::is::faculty;"]

  2. * Display faculty of an academic area.Change faculty keyword to staff, graduate-student, undergraduate-student display others.

    [people_grid filter="attr::emd_person_type::is::faculty;tax::person_area::is::PUT-IN-TAXONOMY-SLUG-HERE;"]

  3. * Display faculty researching on one to many academic topics. Please note that we’re separating taxonomy slugs with comma.

    [people_grid filter="tax::person_rareas::is::TAX-SLUG1,TAX-SLUG2,TAX-SLUG3;"]

  4. * Display only certain post ids

    [people_grid filter="misc::post_id::in::POSTID,POSTID2,POSTID3;"]

  5. * Display advisee of a faculty

    [people_grid filter="rel::supervisor::is::FACULTY-POSTID;"]

  6. * Display list of support staff for a faculty

    [people_grid filter="rel::support_staff::is::FACULTY-POSTID;"]

  7. * Display the list sorted by last name

    [people_grid filter="misc::orderby::is::attr::emd_person_lname;misc::order::is::ASC;"]